What are you looking for?


Have questions, concerns, or just want to share your yetshoes experience with us? We're here to assist you! Feel free to reach out to our dedicated customer support team via email or through our online contact form.


Company Information:
Company :帷幄株式会社 (Weiwo Co., Ltd.)
Address:福岡市博多区博多駅中央街五丁目11番 / 5-11 Hakataeki Chuo-gai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka city
代表取締役:野村 祐 

Contact us: servicefour2023@163.com


At yetshoes, customer satisfaction is our priority, and we are dedicated to ensuring that your experience with our products and services exceeds your expectations. Thank you for choosing yetshoes — we look forward to hearing from you!